

2 Al Fawakeh St., Qnb Bank Building, next to Mostafa Mahmoud Mosque.. Sixth floor, Dr. Engy El Sherif

Phone Number

+2 (010) 610 653 95

+2 (011) 023 005 85


2 Al Fawakeh St., Qnb Bank Building, next to Mostafa Mahmoud Mosque.. Sixth floor, Dr. Engy El Sherif

Phone Number

+2 (010) 610 653 95

+2 (011) 023 005 85

Different lacrimal Surgeries

Different lacrimal Surgeries


Watery eyes occur either due to increase of tears secretion ( hypersecretion) or decrease of tears drainage by the lacrimal drainage system


Causes of watery eyes ( epiphora):
1-Hypersecretion due to blepharitis,conjunctivites, keratitis ,allergic conditions ,errors of refraction due to prolonged eye strain
2- Problem in the lacrimal drainage system from its beginning to its end inside the nose which may be congenital with epiphora since birth or in early months of life or acquired which occurs during life

-Congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction associated with frequent lacrimation and inflammation in the affected eye and in severe cases may lead to difficulty in breast feeding

-Acquired lacrimal drainage system obstruction occurs due to many factors: Inflammatory


Nasal septum abnormalities

Lacrimal drainage system obstruction may be partial or total ,so precise detection of type of obstruction and its site in the lacrimal drainage system starting from the puncti to end of nasolacrimal duct is very important in choosing the proper surgical plan to be done.

In most cases of inflammatory proximal obstruction at the level of puncti or canaliculi ,medical treatment with eye drops is sufficient and no surgical intervention is required,but in cases of distal obstruction either partial or complete surgical correction is the first line either by dilation and Stent placement or creation of a new pathway for tears drainage

Surgeries are done under local or general anaethesia